Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Cosugi 2011 Day 1: A Vendor's booth

There was an interesting booth from Unique Integrated Communncations. Our library could use their services to off-load commom account questions and issues. They can help relieve time-pressured staffs. Incoming calls are rounted from the library to UIC, and their Patron Services Specialists answer as an extension of the library. UIC maintains real-time integration with our ILS.
They can handle:
•Account Verification
•Item Renewals
•Hold Placement
•Hold Cancellation
•Fine Payment
•Debt Collection Issues
•Library hours/locations/directions
•Event / Class information & registration
•Conduit for common inventory issues

The service is invoiced solely on usage and we can choose to turn on this feature when ever we want. I can see our library turn on this feature only when staffs have their hands full at the desk. The cost is $1.25 per minutes. According to the sale representative, the average call is around 2 minutes. UIC's website is

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